WeWriWa: Tell Me A Story . . . TEMPTATION’S TRAIL

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Saturday, February 01, 2025

WeWriWa: Tell Me A Story . . . TEMPTATION’S TRAIL

I grew up on stories at bedtime . . . one of the reasons I became a writer!! My sister, who shared a room with me, and I had our mother read to us every night before bed. Fables, Dr. Seuss (which she hated because it was nonsense, but we LOVED!), books we picked out from the weekly Bookmobile, and fairytales. And sometimes, my favorite – adventure stories like Robin Hood and the Lone Ranger comics. I’m a firm believer that those nightly sessions are why I became a writer. I couldn’t WAIT to find out what happened next, so I made up my own scenarios. And those stories evolved in high school to revolve around my cadre of friends and the futures we imagined for ourselves. Overhearing them, my English teacher told me I’d become an author someday. And that prophesy, I’m happy to say, came true. Read to a child and create an endless imagination. And so it goes with the nieces and nephews of dime novel legend, Harmon Bass in TEMPTATION’S TRAIL . . .

 The Excerpt 

“Uncle Harmon!”

Immediately, three little bodies were pressing close, all grabbing for a hand or a sleeve, and his dark mood melted away.

“We want a story, Uncle Harmon,” Jeffrey demanded.

“Well, I don’t know. Your chores all done?”

A chorus of yeses. Grinning, Harmon allowed them to drag him to the steps, where they pounced upon him until he sat on the top one. He had a nephew on each knee and Sarah’s arms about his neck, and he looked ready to burst from the pleasure of it. Too old for such fussing, Jack sat cross-legged at the foot of the steps. Amanda leaned against one of the porch posts. He didn’t look like such a hard case with his lap full of kids and his face wreathed in a smile.

Not at all like a cold-blooded killer.

(. . . and a bit more . . .)

“What do you want me to read?”


Sidney thrust a ragged novel at him and Amanda recognized the cover at once: Harmon Bass and the Texas Rangers; or, The Mexican Stand-off.

“It’s my favorite,” the boy exclaimed.

It was her favorite, too.

After this first book, I was on a roll . . . with four more in this Career Achievement award-winning series written as Dana Ransom! I can’t wait to get them back in print!

Happy Trails and Happy Groundhog Day!!

Weekend Writing Warriors is a weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Visit other participants on the list and read, critique, and comment on their #8sunday posts.

Spread the word, share the love, warriors - Hashtag #8sunday.

Nancy on the Web


  1. I love it when tough guys show their sweet side!

    1. Nothing like an armful of kids to soften the toughest heart.

  2. Exciting. Best to your printing journey.

  3. Loooved it. Nothing sexier than a badie going all gooey around children :-)
